液压系统维修及故障诊断技术液压系统维修及故障诊断技术 2016 年1 月21 日至22 日 上海,中国 研讨会名称: 液压系统维修及故障诊断技术 研讨会参加对象: 1、企业设备和生产的管理人员,有一定液压系统维护维修实际经验的维修骨干; 2、负责液压系统的维修工程师、机械工程师、点检工程师等; 3、企业维修管理人员及设备维修主管。 研讨会收益: 提高学员解决实际问题的技能; 帮助分析解决学员的实际维修疑难; 使学员能够真正掌握液压系统的维护要领和故障分析技巧及故障排除方法。 研讨会大纲: * 液压缸的安装、使用与维护保养; * 工业阀的安装、调试与维护保养; * 比例伺服阀的安装、调试与维护保养; * 液压泵和液压马达的安装、调试与维护保养; * 管路的安装与维护保养; * 液压油的选择、使用与污染度控制; * 蓄能器的正常使用; * 液压系统的调试与日常维护; 研讨会特点: 多媒体教学、现场讲授、现场指导、互动交流、案件分析等相结合 内训方案: 如果公司有许多人有类似的培训需要,那么你不妨考虑内部培训的解决方案。培训将在贵公司现场举行。并且培训可以根据您具体的要求来进行。 请联系Whitney Shen来讨论合作的可能: 电话:+86 28 8532 7678 电邮:whitney.shen@martinlinking.net Kate Zhong __________________________ Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited T: +86 28 8532 7678
E: Kate.Zhong@linkingu.com http://www.martinlinking.com/
ydraulic Drive System
Maintenance and Fault Diagnosis Technology 21st-22nd January 2016 Shanghai, China MARTIN LINKING is
convening the Hydraulic Drive System Maintenance and Fault
Diagnosis Technology on 21st-22nd January 2016 in Shanghai. Who
should attend? 1. Enterprise equipment and production management
personnel, key maintenance staffs with some maintenance experience of hydraulic system. 2. Maintenance engineers, mechanical engineers, point
check engineer of hydraulic system, etc. 3. Enterprise maintenance management personnel and
equipment maintenance supervisor. Seminar
Benefits: Improve the skills to solve practical problems. Help analysis and solve delegates' practical maintenance difficulties. Enable delegates to grasp the maintenance essentials of the hydraulic system and fault analysis skills and troubleshooting methods. Seminar
Outline: * Installation, use and maintenance of hydraulic
cylinder * Industrial valve installation, commissioning and
maintenance * Proportional servo valve installation, commissioning
and maintenance * Installation, commissioning and maintenance of
hydraulic pump and hydraulic motor * Pipeline installation and maintenance * Hydraulic oil selection, use and pollution control * Normal use of accumulator * Commissioning and maintenance of hydraulic system Seminar
Format: Combine multimedia teaching, scene teaching, on-site
guidance, interactive communication, case analysis, etc. In-House
Training Solutions: If you have a number of delegates with similar
training needs, then you may wish to consider having an In-House Training solution delivered locally on-site. Course can be tailored to specific requirements. Please contact Whitney Shen on +86 28 8532 7678 or email whitney.shen@martinlinking.net to discuss further possibilities. Kate Zhong __________________________
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited T: +86 28 8532 7678
E: kate.zhong@linkingu.com http://www.martinlinking.com/ |
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