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图片:star伺服阀.jpg STAR伺服阀主要用在电气液压伺服系统中作为执行元件(见液压伺服系统)。在伺服系统中,液压执行机构同电气中,液压执行机构同电气及气动执行机构相比,具有快速性好、单位重量输出功率大、传动平稳,抗干扰能力强等特点。 Star Hydraulics design and manufacture high quality Electro-hydraulic Servo Valves and ancillary equipment, which are used in a wide variety of market sectors Key to the success of the company is many years of Servo Engineering Development, which enable customers to gain consistent high performance with extended operational life capability. The company, which is privately owned and located in Tewkesbury in the South West of England. In addition to the supply of new servo valves and electronic equipment the company repairs and can upgrade, other makes of servo valves. The company can support both the OEM and user market sectors around the world in conjunction with the “Star International Distribution and Service Partner Network” where local facilities are available or directly from Tewkesbury which ever is the most appropriate for our customers |
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